3 reasons why Toolkit is made for you
Working smarter not harder is achieved with this suite of tools specifically designed for
effective payroll in New Zealand Schools

Empower & Futureproof
Targeted reports and features designed for efficiencies of payroll processes and reporting, in support of Leadership Teams and Boards, effectively aiding in meeting the Audit requirements of every New Zealand school

Teamware for Payroll
Our systems provide collaborative outcomes, supporting the varied payroll associated responsibilities within your team. Cloud-based, brilliant and influenced by years of customer feedback

Best Practices
Toolkit schools are afforded a sound and professional strategy of maintaining, managing and reporting on all aspects of payroll and associated requirements

Hire Good People
Empower With Toolkit!
The best school offices have established processes. The Toolkit creates a framework of tools and processes giving the payroll and executive teams the very best decision-making leverage.
5 things to rock your world

The Best Bank Staffing
Easy to understand. Managing staffing entitlements, through integrated historic data coupled with simple forecasting tools, allow schools to develop and follow an appropriate staffing strategy

Draft SUE Variances
Checking your next payroll, before it is processed, enables errors and/or omission to be identified, noted and resolved which can then eliminate any potential impact on staff and/or your school.

Units, MMAs, & SMAs
Everything you need to know about your Management Units in a glance, such as Usage versus Entitlement. Get the maximum benefit from this valuable resource.

Staff Reminders
Knowing about it before it happens means being proactive, not reactive. Reminders / Alerts are established with the use of expiration dates against a variety of items, from unit allocations to registrations, police vetting and much more.

Consultancy Services
New payroll person that needs training or support in their job? Need help with your Bank Staffing strategy? We offer Consultancy Services by way of hourly rate or fixed price. Give us a call today to discuss how we can partner with you.